Thursday, November 1, 2012

Outfits of the Fortnight v.9

It's still staying pretty cool so more loli-ing about has been done. :3

Even Cool Enough for a Sweater!
We've had some freaking crazy weather. Like so cold I am cranking up the electric blanket to 9 some days (since they don't light our heaters til mid to late November) and then hitting 90 or so a few days later.
Tie: Bodyline
Blouse: Offbrand
Bolero: Offbrand
Socks: Offbrand
Shoes: Offbrand

Brave Hair
It was so humid that day I went to see Brave that I was rocking some serious Merida hair. Happy to go fullstop lolita though! :D
Headbow: Offbrand
Blouse: Offbrand
Socks: Offbrand
Shoes: Offbrand

But It's Got Kitty Ears!
That'd be the justification for buying Meta's Card Playing Kitty hoodie. I so need the JSK in black. So so need.
Hoodie: Metamorphose
Blouse: Offbrand
Skirt: Offbrand
Socks: AatP
Shoes: Offbrand

Laaaayers are for Cold Weather
Look at dem layers. But it has been freezing here so loli is the only way to stay warm dontcha know? ;D
Everything is offbrand.

Loli! Hatoful Scarecrow

I love Hatoful Boyfriend. Like, you come for the crazy pidgeon dating sim and stay for the feels. It is an oddly well written story. And I thought why not loli-fy the Scarecrow/Labor 9 for the ATX Lolitas' Halloween Tea. I forgot my arm armor though. D:
Hood: Handmade
Shoulder armor: Handmade
Sweater: Offbrand
Blouse: Offbrand
Gloves: Offbrand
Skirt: HMHM
Socks: Offbrand
Boots: AatP


  1. It's zero degrees here in Korea, and my school hasn't turned on the heat yet, so I feel your pain. I've covered myself in a blanket and sweaters and gloves. I hate winter.

    1. I like winter when my heater is on/I can just stay snuggled up in my electric blanket for the three months that make up winter.

      Or it decides to be moderate to cold and not hot-cold-hot-cold... Ha I'm going to be cold two days in a row just to keep you on your toes! Yeah, Texas blows like that. I do like cooler weather for loli-ing about though so then I'm not melting under all those layers that loli-ing about requires.
